
Accordions are a bit strange to draw and look difficult to play, but Pug Pup and TeaCup Pup are so excited to try them out! But then, that goose is so grumpy!... 


Cold Weather Coloring!

It’s January of a new year, dang! While I was saving some various art files on my computer the other day, I accidentally put ‘2024’ in the file name instead of ‘2025’. If you’re old enough to remember writing checks, I used to do it then too! Either way, besides being a new year it has also been wintery where I live. So this month’s coloring pages have a cold weather theme, one you can enjoy without being outside in the cold!

The first coloring page has Fluff Pup reaching for her crochet hook to make a cozy scarf for Corgi Pup! Corgi Pup is sitting with such contained delight at this long scarf that’s wrapping around her. Is Fluff Pup finished with it or is she going to crochet it to be even longer?…

Fluff Pup has made quite a long scarf, which makes Corgi Pup so happy!

This month’s second coloring page has the rest of the pups out ice skating! Well, sorta. TeaCup Pup is having trouble keeping her balance on her ice skates. Scruffy Pup seems to be doing quite well gliding by on just her back legs while posing. Pug Pup is…eating ice cream in the background?!

TeaCup Pup isn’t sure how well her and ice skating will work out.

This month’s timelapse features Fluff Pup and Corgi Pup with that long crocheted scarf! I did some nudging to get the height I wanted between Corgi Pup and the tall stool that Fluff Pup sits on (see if you can spot it, it goes by fast!). Don’t forget to grab these coloring pages and stacks of others from the Coloring Pages section of the site!

Sleigh Bells Ring for Coloring!

The year is almost over! It’s almost Christmas! But didn’t you need to fit in a little more coloring this year? Don’t worry, because there’s two new Princess Pups coloring pages sliding your way!

First we have Fluff Pup, Corgi Pup, and Pug Pup out to do some caroling! I have to be completely honest and say that I’ve never participating in Christmas caroling. It looks like Pug Pup hasn’t either, since she’s focused on chewing on the sheet music instead of using it to sing!

Fluff Pup and Corgi Pup are caroling pretty well, Pug Pup not so much

The next coloring page features TeaCup Pup and Scruffy Pup on a sleigh ride, but Scruffy Pup is being the energetic sleigh puller! I really liked how this one turned out, especially since I kinda jumped in a different perspective compared to the initial sketch that I had for this in my sketchbook.

Scruffy Pup is the fastest sleigh-puller there is!

For those unaware, I have a Substack where I post various sketches, writings, and more! Kinda like this Note below, where it shows the original sketch idea and the direction I took when I hopped over to do it digitally! You can subscribe for these goodies over here.

I did some coloring pages idea doodles in my sketchbook and decided on using the sleigh idea in the corner. When I opened CSP, I changed my mind drastically for the actual image (mostly cuz I wanted a vertical page and not horizontal). This one’s better 🐶❤️

– Lindsay Hornsby

Read on Substack

For this month’s Timelapse, here’s the multi-layered approach that I took for the sleigh ride coloring page! Remember that you can grab these new coloring pages and a bunch of other ones on the coloring pages section!

Pie-filled Coloring Pages!

It’s fall weather and this time of year makes me think of…pies! So the theme for the latest two free Princes Pups coloring pages is fabulous pies! Our first page has Scruffy Pup floating in a magical free fall surrounded by lots of different pies! I had a lot of different pie images up while drawing this to make sure there was pie variety!

Scruffy Pup is floating in a pie-filled paradise

I was indecisive for what to draw for the second coloring page, starting with two different ideas centered around TeaCup Pup putting on her chef’s baking hat to make pies. Finally, I decided on TeaCup Pup using her magic wand to slide out and serve an array of pies to Pug Pup! Pug Pup is, of course, excited by this development.

Pug Pup with hearts-in-eyes is thrilled at all the pies TeaCup Pup made

This is the page for this month’s timelapse specifically because I forgot that I had started sketching two ideas and then abandoned them…but the timelapse did not forget! They happen in the first second of this brief timelapse if you can spot them. Remember you can nab these coloring pages and many, many others over on the Coloring Pages section of the site!

Costumed Coloring Time!

It’s time for this month’s coloring pages and they’re also Halloween themed to boot! I’ve dressed the Princess Pups in lots of fun costumes in the past and love putting them in new costumes. It took some time to decide that I wanted them to coordinate their costumes a bit more this year and all dress up as other animals! Almost all of the pups are on the first coloring page trick-or-treating!

Fluff Pup, Scruffy Pup, Teacup Pup, and Corgi Pup dressed for getting treats!

Pug Pup is missing from that coloring page though. But there’s a reason…it’s because she already ate too much candy, got a sugar crash, and fell asleep! She managed to fall asleep on a group of confused jack-o-lanterns though, whoops! She did get a lot of candy in a recent comic…

Pug Pup in her sloth costume catching some Z’s

For this month’s timelapse, here’s a sleepy Pug Pup! Can you spot when I had to shuffle around a jack-o-lantern’s eyes? Remember you can nab these Halloween-riffic coloring pages and even more on the coloring pages section of the site!