Catching Snowflakes and Coloring Pages!

It’s colder outside! Or reasonably so! That means you should stay inside and color cozy coloring pages that contain Princess Pups enjoying hot beverages and snowy weather! In the most recent comic, some of the pups were getting into hot chocolate. So for one of the coloring pages this month, we’ve got all five pups enjoying some hot drink goodness! Could be hot chocolate, could be tea, could be whatever you want to color in those mugs!

Don’t worry, they let the hot drinks cool before sticking their puppy dog tongues in the mugs!

This month’s other coloring page has the pups outside trying to catch snowflakes! They’re in some winter gear, which can be tricky for someone like Corgi Pup to get into with her stubby legs. She’s determined to get outside with a cozy sweater on though! This page is landscape and is formatted to print sideways for you!

Both of these coloring pages, along with cozy coloring pages of seasons past, are available in the Coloring Pages section of the site!

They might need to be on a greeting card with the cuteness happening here!