More Flowers to Color, Easter Egg Coloring Delight!

This month’s coloring pages have flowers again, but not as many. Because the flowers are being eaten by Pug Pup and a merry little goat! Apparently, Pug Pup saw a goat eating flowers and decided she needed to give them a taste test?…

Pug Pup has eaten many flowers, maybe more than the goat expected her to have eaten.

Easter is coming up! I didn’t grow up decorating eggs very much, but we did some egg decorating last year and plan to do some this year as well. Fluff Pup and Scruffy Pup are having fun decorating eggs in this month’s other coloring page. It seems one of the eggs had a surprise?

So many eggs, so little time!

As always, you can find these and a growing pile of other downloadable and printable coloring pages in the Coloring Pages section of the site!