Ocean Coloring Ahoy, and Coloring Book Number Two is Almost Ready!

It’s June! It showed up so fast, I didn’t have a chance to do coloring pages for May?! Where did the time go?

However, I’ve been working on the next printed coloring book for Princess Pups, which took a chunk of May from me! Here’s a work in progress version of the cover (which clearly shows I don’t have a title for this coloring book yet). Just like the first coloring book (which you can buy over here), the second will include extra goodies not on the website, like Spot the Differences, mazes and more! I’ll announce once it’s all finished up and available to buy. Hopefully I’ll have thought of a title for it by then?…

For June, the theme I went with was the ocean! All the pups are enjoying the ocean in multiple ways, start off with Pug Pup, Corgi Pup, and Fluff Pup sailing in a wee boat! It looks like an ocean critter is waving at them?

Corgi Pup realizes a cheeky octopus is waving at them!

Meanwhile, Teacup Pup and Scruffy Pup have found a lovely area of the ocean to go snorkeling! Scruffy Pup has managed to find yet another hermit crab pal as Teacup Pup gets a friendly smile from a large fish! I looked much too long at snorkeling images while drawing this, and then kinda winged it as far as how they looked…cuz they’re on some puppies after all 😛

There’s so much swimming around near Teacup Pup and Scruffy Pup!

The scuba image was so active, it was the obvious choice for this month’s time lapse! If you watch carefully, you can see all the times I futzed with those snorkeling masks. Remember you can nab these coloring pages and many others (including other summer themed ones!) in the coloring pages section of the site!